Tuesday, October 14, 2008

High School Tag

1. Did you date someone from your high school? Yes...? For some reason I feel like dating doesn't count until college, but I guess maybe it does.
2. What kind of car did you drive? I didn't drive until my senior year. I started the year off by driving the family minivan until my parents got me a Mazda Protege that I named Fat Dog II: The Search for Curly's Gold. I loved that car.
3. What is your most embarrassing moment in high school? I fell over a lot. Small feet.
4. Were you a party animal? No.
5. Were you considered a flirt? I was and forever will be flirting impaired.
6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Orchestra. We made t-shirts that said "dorkestra."
7. Were you a nerd? See #6. I also got good grades and wore funny clothes.
8. Were you on any varsity teams? Varsity diving. I was often captain by virtue of the fact that I was the only one on the team. Swish.
9. Did you get suspended/expelled? No.
10. Can you still sing the fight song? I never knew the fight song.
11. Who were your favorite teachers? Mrs. Langston, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Greear.
12. Where did you sit during lunch? The cafeteria. Are there other options?
13. School Mascot? Huskies.
14. Did you go to homecoming and with who? Homecoming at our school wasn't a formal dance. And no.
15. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Why would anyone go back to high school?
16. What do you remember most about graduation? My friend Alistair came up to me and gave me a hug. For some reason, hugging him made it all sink in, that we really made it and would all be moving on.
17. Where did you go senior skip day? I don't remember. I probably didn't skip because I am a nerd.
18. Have you gained weight since then? Yes, although I still wear a lot of my clothes from high school. They are still unfashionable.
19. Who was your prom date? Junior: Keith Mehner. Senior: Josh Hallman.
20. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? I'd like to, but it depends on if the main people I want to see will be there.
21. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself? Mellow out, man.


Bruthahood said...

Dork. You did another tag although I guess I read through it so that makes me a dork too...

LJ said...

15. Amen.

Laurie said...

good tidings to you, Ami and thanks for the fun wedding pictures and your shoes- they're the best! Actually they're kind of nostalgic with the tweed, I think, kind of British. And the pictures of Dane and you at a year - he is so big! Love you. Mom Frost

Gayle Lambert said...

Fun to read your blog. It's good to see what you are up to since you're all grown up, but that doesn't mean I'm getting any older!! My blog is dlambertfamily.blogspot.com. Check it out.

Tracie Frost said...

Reading this made me realize that if I did this tag, I would have to say that it's far too late for me to decide if I would go to my 10 year reunion. It was 6 years ago. . .