Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dane 12 Month Stats

This is a bit of a belated post, but I wanted to get it out there. Dane's 12 month appointment wasn't quite as enjoyable as the last one because his pediatrician, whom I love, was on maternity leave after having a little boy of her own. The nurse practitioner who looked at Dane wasn't quite so great, but oh well. Also, he needed to get his shots again, which is always sad. But he is such a brave boy. He cried two bellows and then calmed right down. Here's the lowdown:
Length: 28.86 inches (21st percentile)
Head: 17.7 inches (14th percentile)
Weight: 19 lbs. 5 oz. (7th percentile)
He is still a little guy, but gained a bit on the length. He also likes multiples of seven. Maybe he will be a nerd like his mommy.
His favorites currently are:
Fresh fruit
Spitting out his food to signal that he is done eating
Playing peekaboo
Walking/tripping/getting up again
Magnetic letters
Remote controls
Cell phones
Rubber balls
Getting excited when the phone starts to vibrate because he knows Daddy is calling
Making a big, scrunchy faced, cheesy smile
Saying yummyyummyyummy, menomenomenomeno, tepatepatepa, and dada. He was saying Joe Biden for a while (really), but he hasn't in a while. I think he became disillusioned by the campaign.

I think that's a pretty good list. Over conference weekend, he had been fussier than usual. Then when he had a pretty rough night Friday night and didn't want to eat on Saturday, we took him in to see a doctor. Result? Not one, but two ear infections. Poor baby! I felt really silly going to the doctor on Saturday and was sure they'd look at us like overreacting parents, but no. Two ear infections. If only Dane would exhibit those classic signs of fever, screaming, tugging on his ear (or ears, as the case may be). But he didn't complain enough for us to know earlier. I probably should be glad for that...? I don't know. It has its pros and cons.

Anyway, we also got some 12 month pictures taken. He is an exceptionally handsome boy, if I do say so myself:

Our happy family.


LJ said...

I sincerely hope Adam and I have cute sons like you. Really. I kind of want to bite Dane when I see these pictures.

Cassia said...

Wow. That "Joe Biden" part is hilarious! :) Hmm... I wonder if you two have been following the campaigns... :)

And good luck with the ear infections. I hope they clear up soon!

Bruthahood said...

Dane is a cute little kid. Ours will be cuter when it comes! Right now, the only picture we have of it's face looks like skeletor. Scary.