Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to mah HUZbund. We are so weird. I love that we can both be weird and happy together.

Joel and I celebrated our seventh anniversary in a two-day extravaganza necessitated by the fact that I love going out to eat but our anniversary was on a Sunday. Yesterday we exchanged little gifts and hand-painted cards (that's what happens when you take a watercolor class at BYU together; we were the worst in the class), and tonight we actually got a babysitter and went out to Benihana!
When we were close to being done, the server brought out a camera and asked to take our picture. Then she printed the picture and brought it out to us in a little paper frame.
Joel made fun of the expression I'm making and told me what he thought I was thinking at the time. I countered that his face is just as bemused as mine.
Feel free to put in your two cents about what is going through our heads.

P.S. I've been convincing myself though most of this pregnancy so far that I am not as big as I was with Dane. But just yesterday it dawned on me that I have been in complete denial. I am seriously already bigger than some women ever get...and I've got over four months to go. This picture provides further evidence of my puffiness. Oh well.


Rika Burr said...

i am going to agree with joel on your expression. my bet is that you are thinking, "go away, i want to finish eating my delicious food."

Evan and Holly said...

I like the picture. You look so tan. Just so you know, we were thinking of you on your anniversary. We talked about you, Rachelle and Clay, and Mike and Kristen. If I had known you then, I would have chosen that we go to Oklahoma instead of Vegas. I liked your email by the way, I've been thinking about different things for months now, and I'm just still not sure what I'm going to do.

I think that you should post some pictures of being pregnant with Dane (since I didn't know you then either) and this baby and we'll compare. I think you look good.

Bruthahood said...

Ami: "Hurry up and take the picture! I can't stand leaning in like this. This imbalance is making the baby kick and I think I'm going to throw up!"

Joel: "If I spin her chair with my right hand, I can snag the rest of her food off the plate and say I was trying to catch my balance when my right hand jerked her chair. I dare...I do like her leaning into me. I think she must like me."

Unknown said...

King-size Ami

Meghan said...

Awkward smiles, yet hilarious because I know you both so well. I think you should blow it up to an 8x10 and frame it.

Joel said...

Kenta read my mind.
Also, Ami was pretty annoyed that they interrupted our makeout session for a photo. She's not tan there; she's blushing. Or flushed. Or about to vomit on me.
I only have eyes for you, dear.

Miriam said...

Ami, I feel for you on the biggness scale. My belly is huge already. HUGE. Can I really still have 4 more months of hugeness?!! I love anniversaries, birthdays....really just any excuse for a hot date and going to dinner.