Monday, April 14, 2008


So, howsabout I actually update my blog?

After leaving everyone in suspense about my job interview, I am pleased to report that I got the job. I will be working ten hours a week, mostly working with kids and running groups. I like groups. They are fun. I will probably start out with a group of domestic violence perpetrators. I’ve never worked with this demographic before, but I am sure it will be interesting. The office is really flexible and is fine with me bringing Dane to meetings and things during the day. So that works out really well. I am excited to get started. I am also stressed. Dane had a fever all weekend, so I took him to the doctor this morning. She said he caught the adenovirus and will likely have a fever for three or four more days. That’s a long time. It’s just hard to be starting a new job and have a sick baby at the same time. But that’s how it is. I’m am grateful that they are flexible with me.

We spent a lot of time this weekend with Kenji. Since the weather was so nice on Saturday, we spent some time playing in the park. Kenji is our local Frisbee expert, so he gave us some pointers on how to not throw like idiots.

Here is a nice action shot of Joel

While we were playing I noticed this boy on the swings by himself. He seemed to really want to play with us, so we invited him to join us. Although he had been watching us quietly, as soon as he joined our group, he started talking smack like crazy. Anytime any of us would even move, he’d say, “You guys are weak,” or “You think you got game, sucka?” He was pretty hilarious. He eventually left to go back home, but he was fun to include in our game for a while.

I also got a nice little photo shoot with Dane.

He is quite the thumb sucker.

This is the only smile I could get out of him. Yes, I took him out with a fever. It was only 99 degrees at the time, and I thought the outdoors might do him good. Maybe I’m a bad mom.

Haha, he’s so cute. I hope he feels better soon.


LJ said...

That picture of Joel is a masterpiece. Also, Dane may or may not have an exceedingly smug and dimpled-ish smile. Gah!

Melissa said...

You are not a bad mom- I'm a bad mom- Jake has been sick for almost 2 weeks! He got sick after sucking on the shopping cart at Walmart and then we took him to the park this week and he sucked on the slide and swing and then his hands all the way home! I think I'm going to make him wear gloves, even ones that taste bad so he won't eat his hands. Yuck. That is a great action shot! and I love the pics of Dane- what a heartbreaker!

Rika Burr said...

joel's buttcrack is delineated well in the action shot

Melanee said...

Good luck with the new job! It sounds exciting. Amen to all the comments about that shot of Joel. Did he manage to catch the frisbee?