Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's Official

We had Dane's baby blessing on Sunday. Stephen and Meghan live nearby, and Kenji is pretty close, so we expected them to come, but then Joel's mom and Laurie Jayne planned on coming, and then Paul and Tess were going to be in town, and then my dad surprised us by flying out for the event. All in all, we had a pretty good crowd.
My mom made the little outfit for Dane; it consisted of a teeny white shirt, a vest with teddy bear buttons (in honor of my grandma), tux pants with suspenders, little shoes, and a little bowtie. He was adorable.

The picture's kind of dark, but you get the idea.
It was great to have everyone there, the lunch I made ended up being pretty good portions (I'm always paranoid about not having enough food), and a good time was had by all.

Dane was very well behaved throughout church and the blessing, but by the end of it all, he was pretty hungry and tired of all the pictures.

Our new little family:


Kristen and Ryan said...

he sure is a cutie! your mom did a great job on that little outfit! and what a fun thing to have your dad there!
p.s. you look great!

LJ said...

Them's my pictures! Hooray!