Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Birthday, Etc.

Today is my birthday! But that is not really why I am writing. I have a lot of catching up to do. I think I will go in reverse chronological order to keep things straight.

This morning, Joel surprised me with a nice little breakfast and a new book. Then, he took care of Dane so I could sleep a little more, which was definitely appreciated. It was definitely the start of a very happy birthday.

Dane has also been growing up super fast. His top two teeth are about to burst forth, and he is saying mamamama and dada die die, though we’re not sure he’s attaching real meaning to them. Last Monday, he started crawling.

So that’s pretty crazy. It has opened up a whole new dimension of parenting. Here is some of what he’s been up to:

Once he has crawled up to something, he likes to pull himself up to a standing position. The problems with this are threefold: First, he loses his balance a lot, so he falls down a lot. Second, he doesn’t know he can’t walk yet, so he sometimes tries to walk away, so he falls down a lot. Third, he doesn’t know how to sit back down, so he will either scream until one of us saves him, or he falls down. Poor guy. But he is getting smarter and has learned to fall to his bum instead of his back.

The day before was mother’s day, my first official one. And it was quite wonderful, if I do say so myself. Joel made me Crème Brulee French Toast for breakfast, and it was as yummy as it sounds. Then we had a nice meeting at church, and we had a nice, relaxing day.

Hm. Now that I’m actually writing things up, it doesn’t seem that interesting. But oh well. Here is another picture of Dane:

We were playing scripture master memory for FHE, and Dane entertained himself with a scrap of paper. And doesn’t he just look really grown up in this picture? What a big boy. He is growing up so fast.

Stay tuned for another go at the egg-crushing experiment. (Aren’t you glad I didn’t say egg-speriment?) I’ve had a few tips on how to make it work this time. We’ll find out soon if they are liars, just like Mr. Wizard.


Melanee said...

Happy late birthday! Sorry, I haven't checked blogs lately. We still need to get together next time everyone is free (we pretty much always are).

Cassia said...

Happy Birthday a few days ago! It sounds like you had a great Mother's Day--I'm glad! Every mother, every woman, deserves some recognition (I think), but it is especially important for the mothers of young children. :) And good luck with your continued baby proofing. Dane sure is growing up fast! :)

LJ said...

Happy Birthday from the Navajo Reservation!


LJ said...

Also: Dane (which I just typed Dam) is pretty awesome. I get to see him (read: you) in no time flat! Hooplah!

Melissa said...

Oh Happy Birthday- that does sound like a great birthday- sleep?? The best gift ever!! Dane sure is growing up fast- a year ago at Brady and Rika's wedding he was pretty small--hee hee. Good climbing up and crawling- and making good messes and falling down. The best is yet to come (or maybe I should say the worst) they just grow up TOO fast!