Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Catching Up

We finally have the internet! Hooray! There are more than a million things I want to catch everybody up on, but I'm sure no one really wants to read all those million things, so I'll see how well I can condense things.
First, I would like to present the picture they took of Dane in the hospital. I wasn't able to see it until he was over two weeks old; I laughed out loud at how much he changed. Also, my sister Rika thought that he looked like Anpanman, a Japanese cartoon character. What do you think?

Here is a brief timeline of his life.

One week old, sleeping with Daddy:

Two weeks old, enjoying tummy time:

Three weeks old, happily sleeping:

Four weeks old, meeting Daddy at the Trax station:

In some ways, the time has really flown by. In other ways, it feels like it's been forever. He's such a sweet boy. His neck is really strong already; he's holding his head up really well. We're having a lot of fun. Sometimes he doesn't want to go to bed, which is frustrating, but it's amazing to me how easily we forget the frustrating stuff and just remember how happy we are that he's here. Life is really happy. The only thing I would change is getting rid of this dang thrush. Man, it hurts.


The Martineau Family said...

Hi - don't know if you remember me. We met briefly at the 10-year reunion in Show Low in August. Anyways, my daughter also got thrush while I was nursing so I relate. The prescription from our pediatrician did nothing. A lady in my ward recommended Gentian Violet (sold over the counter at CVS, Walgreens etc...although they keep it behind the counter so you have to ask the pharmacist for it, ironic) Anyways, it did the trick in no time. It is messy and purple. You can see pictures of it on my daugher on our blog Good luck and congratulations!

Kristen and Ryan said...

thrush! yikes! it is amazing how much he has changed! and he is just too adoreable! it makes me excited to go back to that phase...even if it is a very sleep deprived phase! oh, how I adore my sleep. anyways, keep us updated! I love the pictures!

Tracie Frost said...

Oh, he is SOOOO cute! I've never had thrush, but I've heard it's pretty yucky. You could try our yeast-free diet, ha, ha!!

Can't wait to see him in person and hear those birthing stories!