Friday, May 18, 2012

June: Nine Months!

Happy nine month birthday, Junie!
I can't believe she's nine months old. Next month she will be two-digit months old. That means she will soon be a year old. A year! How can that be?

I snapped this photo this morning as Dane was supposed to be watering the garden plants (that are not actually in the ground yet, as you can see through the door) but he ended up playing with June through the glass instead. I was okay with it.

Do you see June's beautiful, smiling face eerily floating on Dane's head? It reminds me of those creepy, floating head photos from the 80's. Except way more awesome because it's a real reflection.
Her stats as of this morning:

Height: 29.5 in., 95th percentile
Weight: 17 lbs. 11 oz., 20th percentile
Head: 44.2 cm, 50th percentile

I can't believe she's still so tall. Dane was always about 80th percentile until he was about 6 months old, when things started curving downward to his expected, slightly smaller than average size. But here June is, 9 months old, and still 95th percentile. Is she going to be one of those tall girls? Tall girls whose lives I can't even imagine? Will it give her advantages I never had, like...volleyball? That's the only thing I could think of. Oh, I know, jeans that you don't have to roll up. That's a good advantage. 
It's a strange situation. I have no problem with Dane being a little small, and I have no problem with June being tall. Except will Dane's little sister actually be taller than him? Since they're 4 years apart, I don't anticipate it being much of a problem, adults? I just don't want either of them to have a issues. I used every tiny aberration from "normal" to throw me into hyper-self-consciousness while I was a teenager. Hopefully the will be more confident than their mom was.


I think June is so beautiful. Sometimes I look at her, and I think she's the most beautiful baby in the world. It's kind of a strange feeling because I know rationally that she's not literally THE most beautiful baby in the world. But it feels that way. It makes me happy.

She appreciates good literature. She stands unassisted for seconds at a time. She crawls with proficiency. And when she think you're not paying attention, she gets into mischief:

I have a video of her mischief in action, but it won't upload. 

She's sleeping a little better these days. When she's in the mood, she'll give kisses, clap, and wave. She eats all sorts of vegetables, but the only fruit she'll eat is prunes. Prunes! She's started doing this coy little scrunched faced chuckle. And she will let you know when she's unhappy by bellowing. Bellow! She isn't super dextrous with her fingers but she is really good at working cheerios around in her hand to make them accessible. And every time she wakes up from a nap, she stands up in her crib and reaches one arm out to me. She's my sweet little baby. 
Dane has his moments of bonking her and getting frustrated with her (and biting her) but mostly he's so sweet. He's so excited to see her in the morning and loves to snuggle her and hug her. He's recently figured out how to pick her up and move her away from his toys, which he likes to do frequently. And nobody can make June laugh like Dane can. 

I love my two sweet babies. 


Megan said...

June's little outfit is killing me. I can't remember the name of the guy on her red onesie, but it is adorable.

The Frosts said...

Ack! She is amazing Ami. I can't wait to meet her in real life. Her little teeth are too cute (Ems still only has 2 teeth). I see a lot of Dane in her but she has her own look too. Squeeze your babies for me!

LJ said...

I think that floating head picture looks like Bill Murray.


Melanee said...

I love the picture of June standing up. She looks like she's nervously backing away from something. Also, her onesie is awesome. My grandma has a bunch of dolls at her house that have that same face. I always thought they were kind of creepy, which goes to show that you could probably make anything cute by putting it on an adorable baby.

Cassia said...

I love her scrunched face smile. :) And the picture of her at the toilet - yikes! Note to self: appreciate the bit of time I have left before Abby does the same thing. :)

And yes, that 80's picture is weird. But your picture of June and Dane is cute. I love it when older siblings play with the younger ones! :)

Bruthahood said...

I grill chicken and hot dogs. It looks like you grill plants and planters. Nice.