Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Grandma Time!

Grandma Frost came to visit last weekend, and she always has fun ideas and games for her grandchildren. After we woke up and had breakfast, she made a huge tent in the living room where they could play with cars and read books.

We had to keep Dane from jumping onto the top of the tent, but he got the hang of it after a while. Grandma also read him the book she got him for Christmas.

Then we went shopping at Super China Market and joined Meghan, Lauren, and Molly for a yummy lunch.
The next day, we planned to meet them all at the park, so Dane, who loves shoes, got all suited up.

But he found he wasn't as mobile as he'd like to be in Mommy's yellow rain boots, so we switched to something more manageable and joined everyone at Gardner Village. After Dane figured out that the stale bread wasn't for him, he did a great job throwing it to the ducks.

Then on to the park!
Dane swung in the swings,

Rode on the pony,

Climbed on the car,

Jumped off the car,

Went through the tunnel,

Snuggled with Mommy,

And snuggled with Aunt Meghan and Cousin Molly.

We also noticed this little typo as we drove into the park.

It was a grand day out, finished off with a yummy Asian dinner and German Chocolate cake. We're glad Grandma came to visit; we miss her already!

* * * * * * * *

In other news, Joel and I recently finished watching the HBO miniseries of John Adams, based on the book by David McCullough.

It is fantastic. We definitely recommend it to everyone. It is an in-depth, singular look at the founding of our country and the key players who made it all happen. I gained greater respect for all of the founding fathers, especially John Adams, who often seems to be overshadowed by other, more charismatic men. Plus, seeing his relationship with his wife, Abigail, was a touching reminder of the importance of good relationships and the depth of human love. I have not read the book, but I have started it. Again, we highly recommend it.
On a lighter note, I have a crush on Thomas Jefferson.

I had a friend who told me that he and his wife have a Celebrity Clause in their No-crushes-on-other-people-after-you're-married contract because, hey, there's no chance. Joel has never gone for that clause. So I'd like to propose a Founding Fathers Clause, although it may be more aptly named the Thomas Jefferson Clause because I think every girl who has ever learned about the founding fathers since kindergarten chooses Jefferson for her affections.
All in favor of the Founding Fathers Clause?


Sistahood said...

I support you in your Founding Fathers Clause, but I think I would need an Elf Clause in my marriage contract. Legolas is one hot elf. Kenta is aware of my crush. I'm pretty sure he's okay with it because I think Orlando Bloom is nasty. I was so disappointed when I saw a picture of him in real life and realized that he did not have long, silky blond hair and pointy ears. I'm afraid your Thomas Jefferson might be wearing a wig, too. But you can still crush on him.

My sister would need an X-Men Clause. She has a huge crush on Wolverine. To each his own.

Oh, and the pictures of Dane are cute :)

Kristen and Ryan said...

I have had a crush on Thomas Jefferson ever since I saw the high school put on 1776 in 7th grade. It has stuck with me ever since. I have these in my Netflix queue and now I'm excited to watch it!

Meghan said...

I totally agree with you about Thomas Jefferson! He was quite dashing. I loved John Adams, and second the notion that it was an excellent film.

I loved the weekend in review. you took better pictures than I did. I love the tent pictures.

LJ said...

Okay, I've got a Jim Halpert clause and a Chuck Bartowski clause in mine. Adam likes Sandra Bullock.

Rika Burr said...

this is my favorite story about thomas jefferson:

before he became president, he had to give a speech at this gathering that he did not want to go to, and on a rainy day. so in order to get out of having to come back ever again, he walked to the event to get his wig soaked, and then gave the speech in a completely mumbly voice that no one could hear and then ran away once he finished his speech.

i have many celebrity crushes as well.

also kevin.

Melanee said...

Thanks for the movie recommendation. I've had a hankering for a movie with an attractive historical figure. Also, the picture of Dane in the boots is too cute for words.