We planted a square foot garden. It makes me happy. We have planted tomatoes, herbs, chiles, squashes, strawberries, asparagus, cucumbers, spinach, peas, and a blackberry bush (that one's not in the square foot garden). I'm afraid that our tomatoes froze, though. I am still clinging to the hope that the leaves froze but the roots and stem are okay; I think I can see some new growth coming from the top, but I might be deluding myself. And the spaghetti squash doesn't seem to be doing so hot. But everything else is really thriving. I'm going to give it a couple more days to see if the struggling plants make a comeback, but I might have to replace them. Dang Utah frosts. (Not to be confused with the Dang Utah Frosts. Ha.)
Anyway, here is a little picture of me in my farmer clothes in front of our little bit o' earth. (Ten points if you can name what book that's from.)
The chives actually survived all winter from last year and are growing like crazy. We had more plants than space in the square foot garden, so we planted some just in the ground in our yard, and some in a planter. It will be an experiment to see if the magic of the square foot gardening method holds true.
Also, my parents had an old, expired car seat that they left here after we drove back from Oklahoma. Joel thought it was wasteful to just throw it out, so he decided to recycle it. First, some preparation, during which my tree-climbing abilities came in handy:
Joel, who was not blessed with such a talent for climbing trees, used a ladder, and Dane followed him up all by himself.
While we waited for the finishing touches, Dane posed for a picture:
He has just barely started smiling on command. It makes me smile, too.
And then it was ready!
A swing!
What a great idea, Daddy! Dane loves swinging and asks to get on the "whee" every day. It's still too cold on some days, though. Sometimes I'm afraid spring will never arrive.
Anyway, that was our Earth Day. (It actually was the Saturday before Earth Day, but it counts.)
i would guess grapes of wrath but i am pretty sure you have not read that, so i am guessing harris and me.
also your glasses are crooked in both pictures.
also kevin.
The Secret Garden. Swish.
Also, I saw that picture of Dane and started giggling like a fool.
your blog is cute, thanks for inviting us. I am very jealous of your garden. I cant' wait until we can have one!
Yay for Square Foot Gardening! Also, I really don't think spring is coming. We're going straight from winter to summer. Four seasons, my eye!
I knew it!! The Secret Garden. That was a really late guess because I just got access to your blog.
Wow! You'll have to let us know how the garden goes. This is the first year I've heard about "square foot gardens." I have to admit I hated gardening as a young girl... but now I kind of want one. :) We might have to look into something like this in the future. :)
And I love the recycled car seat swing - perfect! :)
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