Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cheep! Cheep!

Dane and I went to IFA Country Store to visit some baby Easter animals this morning.
We saw tiny chicks:



And rabbits:

My favorites were the Rhode Island Reds

and the Golden Sex Links (although what's up with that name??)

I was briefly tempted to bring home a pet chick. At only $2.78, how could I resist? But of course there's all the necessary supplies and food so it would survive. And then, provided we were able to take care of it, what do you do with a chicken at your house? Anyway, they were cute.
Dane had fun with all the little animals, but soon he became more interested in the toy trucks in the store:

I guess he's a boy.


Bruthahood said...

Good little guy. He's staying true to his genes.
That would be a fun little place to go to after Thomas gets a little older and could appreciate it.

Rika Burr said...

this is what i would have wanted to do: hold a chick, then, cheep cheep cheep crush.

Christine said...

Hey, I found your blog listed on Facebook and Steve and I were dying, DYING laughing at your fake Etsy shop. You are hilarious. I need to get your e-mail address so I can "invite" you to our blog.

Christine said...

This is Christine from your the way