Sunday, April 22, 2012

Beautiful Children

Sometime I look at my children and can't believe how beautiful they are. I know I am completely biased, but I don't care. These are some random photos that I never got around to posting but I just wanted to share.

This picture was actually taken in January, but I felt like it was the first photo where we captured the bright smile on her sweet face:
At the end of March we had a little photo shoot to capture June's snaggle toothed smile:

And Dane wanted to show off his great boots in his picture:

One of our first sibling baths; Dane made an impressive bubble beard.

I took these pictures for June's 8-month birthday. She enjoyed the beautiful spring weather...but her mommy was too lazy to go in and get the sunblock, so she got a little burned. Bad Mommy.

Finally, Dane always has a "handsome check" before church to make sure he looks appropriate. It is not hard to make him look handsome.

So, sometimes I read back through some of my old blog posts. Remember when I was clever and interesting? I need to get that back.


LJ said...

But you have children now! There is no more need to be clever OR interesting!

Bruthahood said...

June's mouth on the bathtub picture looks just like yours when you give that look of "Ugh" when you realize something is wrong or you don't like something.

Cassia said...

Very cute pictures. They all made me smile. :) And realize that I have picture blogs to put together too...