Anyway, since we had to take a written test on driving rules, we made a little wager that whoever got the higher score would choose where we went to eat on Valentine's day. We had Dane with us, so we took turns taking the test. Joel went first, and the man who processed the test results informed me of the score to beat, and Joel filled him in on our wager. Meanwhile, I took the test (which was open book, by the way) amidst conflicting feelings of wanting to beat Joel and not wanting to make him late for work.
We tied.
The DMV man shook his head and laughed. Then it became obvious that he had shared our story with several other workers because a woman told me she was disappointed in me for not beating Joel. And we don't even get our licenses yet; we just get these lame temporary paper ones until the real one comes in two to six weeks. How lame is that? In Oklahoma, they give it to you right then and there.
But the point is, we need another wager to determine who will choose our Valentine's restaurant. Suggestions are appreciated.
Here are a few pictures of Dane enraptured by a balloon:
Oregon gives them to you immediately too...Utah, always behind the times. I think that you should do a "who knows who best" test. Each of you should come up with ten random questions about your lives and see who can answer the most correctly. And of course, you should make yours more obscure than Joel's so that you win......
Evan is also a law breaker because his Utah license expired on his birthday even though we got it replaced in April of last year....Utah :(
clearly this matter could be settled by a round of gin: person with the highest points at the end of 5 rounds is the winner. this is how i have won multiple things from dad such as: $120 to spend at warped tour, money to go towards my kate spade purse, lunch at ted's, this jacket that i am currently wearing, and a pizza.
of course if this does not work out, you could always pull the wife card and say i get to pick or else.
Dave Healey and our friend Steve Gashler once engaged in feats of strength to win my phone number. Maybe you could try that.
CUTE balloon pics of your handsome little guy!
I am the BIGGEST lawbreaker. I still have my UT drivers license. I've lived in 3 states since then. ughhhh... that is SO bad!
That's so fun you made a little wager on you driving tests and so funny that you tied. Good luck on the tie-breaker!
Yes the Utah DMV is super lame- I mean all DMV's are, but Utah's are notoriously lame. I couldn't believe that they have open book- which is probably why there are so many terrible drivers out there- they all cheated. Good luck on deciding who gets to pick- that is so funny that you tied.
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