Friday, July 4, 2008


Happy Independence Day, everyone. I will have more patriotic things to report on later, but we experienced something new this morning.
Dane is a very regular fellow. For the first six months of his life, he would poop every five days, very consistently. Now he goes every day, always after he nurses after his nap. Always. Today was no different. I let him play on the floor, waiting for him to get it all out. Suddenly, he stands up making a face. I look down. There is poop on the ground. Poop on his hands. Poop on his mouth. Augh!!
My baby has eaten his own poop. Please tell me I am not the only person to have experienced this.


Julia said...

Joel! Wow how are you?! Congrats on your little boy! Dane is a cutie! How are things going these days! It's been forever since we lived at Campus Plaza! Hope all is well!

Julia (Guinter) Chandler

Rika Burr said...

dane is becoming more and more like puppet every day!

Anonymous said...

Rika, just for that you're dead to me.

Cassia said...

Eww! I don't think I've had to deal with this myself, but I know at least one of my brothers had a knack for "digging". Yuck!

LJ said...

Wait, what's the number for this disorder? Do I need to make him a t-shirt with it on it?

And this is probably the second-most hilarious thing I've heard all weekend. Props, props, proppity props.

Melissa said...

Oh wow- that's a good one. I've heard of this before so I'm sure you're not the only one. As far as normal goes...just kidding. Boys will be boys.

Rika Burr said...

i think we need to determine who is better, dane or puppet, by way of a race. 100 m dash, whoever finishes first is the best.

Ami said...

Let's make it a 3 meter dash, and it has to be a straight line. Dane will win. And then I will teach him to ride Puppet like a pony.

Lauren said...

I know you don't know me from Adam, but I thought you might laugh at another mama's poop story! I'm sure your baby isn't the only one to ever eat poop, though that doesn't make it any less traumatic when it happens, I'm sure!

I found your blog looking for ideas for Chick-fil-A's Cow Appreciation Day (tomorrow!!!). Anyway, here's my story as I posted it on my blog. And I have to say, it beats yours :-P

Lauren said...

Hmm, my link didn't work on that one above. Try this.
If you're even interested, ha! :-)

Kristen and Ryan said...

hey, I was gonna tell you that when I googled ideas for cow appreciation day also your blog was on the 2nd google page! funny...and kinda creepy. but thats so funny that a random (not creepy) person found your blog and commented! so anyways, hi. I don't have any kate eating poop stories and I'm crossing my fingers sawyer learns from her!

noelle said...

Awesome story!!! It's pretty gross, but oh so funny!!

noelle said...

Awesome story!!! It's pretty gross, but oh so funny!!