Monday, May 5, 2008

Nihon Matsuri

Last weekend, we went to the Japan Festival in Salt Lake. Although it wasn’t quite like the memories of festivals in Japan, we still had a good time. It was much more crowded than we expected, which was cool to see. There were also a lot of different food vendors. We got a little sushi plate, a couple of onigiri, and plum and ginger ice cream. Joel was really excited about the ginger ice cream.

The festival was also a good opportunity for us to dress Dane up in his jinbei. Nate and Biz got the outfit for us before Dane was born (so we actually have a really cute girl’s jinbei, too!). Here is our photo shoot:


Thanks for the quarter Japanese genes, Mommy!

Daddy makes me laugh!

This is my ninja stance.

Haha, a cute boy.

One thing that really struck me was this little girl in the kimono show. She is probably half-Japanese and had this really long brown hair. It was weird because she reminded me of how I looked when I was little. Long hair in pigtails, summery yukata…I don’t know. It was weird seeing my doppelganger. She made me happy and a little weepy at the same time. I hope she didn’t think I was too creepy when I asked to take a picture of her.

Her face doesn’t look so much like me, but everything else. I don’t really know how to describe it. It was like being little again but being an adult at the same time, wondering if I should tell her what’s in store or if I should just leave it a surprise. And then feeling weird because she’s not really you. I don’t know. I’m not making sense.

Anyway, we had a good time. I also saw this American man with a little half-Japanese daughter, which also reminded me of my family for obvious reasons. I am glad for my cultural heritage.

Happy boy with closed-eyed Mommy.

Also, I have no pictures from the Phantom of the Opry because, like an idiot, I forgot my camera every single night. People will be sharing their pictures, but I haven’t gotten them yet, so. No pictures yet. Hopefully soon.

Also, we had left all of our costumes and props and stuff in the living room because we were exhausted. When I decided to clean everything up, I just put Dane on the ground to play. When I turned back around, I found him like this. I thought it was pretty hilarious:

Kilt him a bar when he was seven months…(that is a cap gun, by the way.)


Anonymous said...

That last picture of Dane is awesome. I love it!

I wish I had a jinbei I could look cool in. Scoring one would be easy; the looking cool part could take a lifetime to master.

Bruthahood said...

That girl did look quite a bit like you. Kind of weird but even more freaky that you thought about telling her what was in store...

LJ said...

I always thought it was "Killed in a bar when he was only three." You can ask Joel.

And your comments about your doppleganger made sense to me.

Melissa said...

Cool Japan festival! That is so cute that you found your mini-me too- how fun! I love all Dane's shots in his outfit. So cute! And way to bear hunt little man!! Good shot!

Cassia said...

Can't add much to what has been said, but I did want to say that you look very beautiful in your Japanese outfit (I'm not sure what yours was called). :)