Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Here is a comparison of Joel and Dane:



I’m not seeing a whole lot of resemblance at this point. But I’m not worried because I don’t think I ever could have guessed that that baby was Joel anyway. The only similarity I see is the little scab on Joel’s nose. Dane has a tendency to scratch the heck out of his nose, too. Hopefully Dane won’t get all of Joel’s allergies. I’m crossing my fingers…

Last Saturday, we were the most social that we've been in a very long time. We started the day by driving down to Provo for Joel's cousin Jonny's mission homecoming breakfast. We had a grand time visiting with a bunch of cousins. It was good to see Jonny again; he is always so fun to be around. He was in a bike accident while he was in Taiwan and needed to get a blood transfusion for over half his blood volume. So he mostly had Taiwanese blood. I welcomed him into the Asian race.

Here he is again holding his nephew, Jack Jones Gillespie. Jessica and I swapped baby stories and tips.

We hung out at David and Sandy’s way after everyone else had left and played their Wii. Joel proved himself proficient at golf, bowling, and boxing.

Then we hung out with our old neighbors, Rob and Abby. They have an adorable new little baby, Liberty Ann. We loved being their neighbors and miss having them next door.

Then we met up with Kenji at Burger Supreme.

Then we hung out with our friends Natalie and Randy. We met their baby boy, Spencer, who is exactly a month younger than Dane. Except he his huge. I mean, Dane’s a pretty hefty guy, but Spencer was several inches longer and weighed way more. It was funny to see them together. I should have gotten a picture but didn’t think about it at the time.

Then we drove back up to Salt Lake to have a fondue party with Heather and Ryan. That was the best fondue I have ever had. We ate lots and lots of food (with cheese and chocolate fondue), chatted, and watched a movie. By the time we got back home, we were exhausted. But what a fun day.

Here is Dane expressing how much fun we had:


Tracie Frost said...

I love Dane. I has the cutest, hugest smile. Makes me want to snack on him!

I also love the name Liberty Ann. Dang, wish I'd thought of that one. . .

And, your new set-up is great. Can't wait for you to do mine :)

Cassia said...

Yay for you! It's so nice to get together with others (esp other adults!). :)

LJ said...


Ami. Hood. Frost. That picture of Dane's cavernous mouth made me laugh for five minutes. I really need to print some of these photos out and put them where I can see them always.

Janelle said...

Of course I remember you! Your little boy is a doll, are you still in the PP1st ward? Where in Concord did your dad grow up? Email me at

LJ said...

I just looked at that picture of Dane. It made me laugh again. Just thought you would want to know.

LJ said...

And I just looked at it AGAIN.

And I love that picture of Joel, by the way. He looks so cute and sweet. Not diabolical and poisonous and eeeevilllll.

The Frosts said...

Whoa. It has been way too long since I've been on your blog (having a baby will do that to you). Oh, these pictures of Dane are just too cute. I love him. I can't wait to meet him in real life. And I LOVE your new beautiful blog. Great work! Can you do mine too?!?